The Monastery – A Bhikku Training Center

Importance Of The Monastery-

Buddhism In India In Pure Form As Almost Vanished Even Though Jambudwipa Is The Motherland Of All The Buddhas.

For Reclaiming The Glorious Past Of Buddhism In India, The Presence Of A Strong Bhikku Sangha, A Sangha Which Scrupulously And Uncompromisingly Follows The Vinaya (Rules Laid By Buddha) And Is Fully Devoted To The Practice Of Dhamma.

Hence The Dvmp Project Strives In Creating A Monastery Where

  • Monks Will Be Given Formal Training Of The Dhamma Taught By Bhagawan Buddha
  • The Monks And Shramaner Will Spend Rains Retreat Which Will Help Devoloping On Dhamma Helping Faster Spiritual Growth
  • A Strong Sangha Helps Lay People Experience And Learn The Buddhist Culture And Also Inspire Them To Walk On The Path Thereby Benefiting The Society At Large.